Monday, July 18, 2011

Exploring Bangkok & Updates

Hello All! I know I'm writing pretty much daily which is a lot now, but I'm sure my blogs will slow down a bit once I'm settled and things are more mundane. Now there is just so many new things each day and it's very exciting and overwhelming! Since it's just me, I don't get to share each thing as it happens so this is my way of doing so! I appreciate everyone who's been reading and I hope you enjoy it and get something out of it!

So this morning I had my second meeting with BFITS. I went over my curriculum and classes with a lady that works at the particular school where I'll be teaching. It seems as though it will be pretty easy; the lessons are laid out nicely, and she said the kids are sweet (of course I'll take that with a grain of salt bc I know teenagers lol). She will take me to the school tomorrow and show me how to do the grading and I'll be training with her this week and will be in the classroom the 26th. Seems like it will go pretty smoothly.

I did some exploring around Bangkok today which was cool. What I learned today about the Thai's is that they don't seem to have any sarcasm or condenscending attitudes towards tourists or foreigners like we do in the States. Believe me, in the states I would have been laughed at all day. Picture it, I've got my camera around my neck, a subway map in my hand and every other person I'm going up to and pointing at a subway stop to try and gather information about where I'm going through hand gestures and pointing, since no one speaks English lol. I would expect to see whispers and giggling from teens, eyes rolling and snarky comments like "tourists..." all around me, but that is not the case here. I even walked up to some teens to ask directions and they gave them to me without a hint of mockery, laughter or anything except genuine polite sincerity. It was amazing.

I saw some of the bigger areas of Bangkok today and hope to see more soon. I will post some videos taken from the sky train that gives you an idea of how the city looks. Will be looking for apartments soon and working this week so things should get pretty hectic and it looks like my short time as a tourist on vacation is over. Now I'm just the immigrant who doesn't speak the language :) 


  1. Now you know how i feel when I moved to the US, I actually bought a kept drinking root beer and wordered why i wasn't getting a buzz once. lol
    and was asked for a Dr. Pepper once and went to the manager to tell him that we have a sick person in the house needing a doctor (both of the statement are true but didn't happen to me)
    I actually called a chocolate mousse cake a mouse cake for months before someone pointed it to me.

  2. Just read your blog. Sounds like the people are very different than here in the states. Kinder with less attitude. I love reading about your experiences makes me feel more a part of it all.
    Love, Mom

  3. I love the Blog Andrea and I really love the Skype ... Everything on your blog is amazing to read and I look forward to each day along your journey ... pics included ..
